A little about Me...!

My photo
Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Former Name: Alok Aditya, Writer, Journalist, Yoga expert and a Social Activist. Editor: Jagriti Samvad (Hindi By-monthly). Author of 'Song of the Woods' published from Ranchi, India in December 1993. Studied Media from Sweden (Europe). The book 'Song of the Woods' includes the lifestyle, art, literature, culture and tradition of the Adivasis of Jharkhand region. The book was liked and appreciated by the Social Scientists of India and the other countries of the world. Other than this I have also compiled a small book 'India As I Know It' which was published from Sweden in 1998. This book contains the brief information about India. Friends, I declare myself as a World Citizen. I do not believe in castes, creed or colour. I love to be free from all types of narrow domestic walls.

Friday 28 October 2011

We need not to remove darkness as the Corruption...!


Corruption is a big problem today. But there are many other problems also that we are facing in our daily life. But the root cause of all the problems is the CORRUPTION. So, the corruption must be taken on as the biggest problem of our society. And to minimize the corruption I think the best way is to fight against it and motivate people to fight against it. But the question should be …How? Of which the answer should be as old and bold as the universe, the Oceans, the Earth, the Sky and the Air are. The answer is that we should fight against corruption with the weapon of None-violence. It must be clear that we should always follow the path of None-violence while fighting against anything including the corruption. This means that we should follow the eternal way of living.

Some people can be confused that how can be fought anything with the weapon of None-violence. Does it mean that we should give our next cheek to the beating man or does it mean that we should do nothing even we are beaten by others? What does actually mean the None-violence? This is the Big Question. To answer this question I must say for the convenience of the others that the eternal or natural way of living really means with the fighting anything with the weapon of None-violence. So, the None-violence is nothing like avoidable or not understandable. In fact, this theory is very old. Our HOLY BOOKS provide this theory from the ancient age. This old theory has always been a part of our living. Therefore, we all should say that this is what, we have been following from the early age and the scholars of the world have followed this proudly. We all need to propagate it in our society today, because it is lacking today.

The best way of using none-violence as a weapon is to LIT A DEEPAK or LAMP. Actually, we need not to remove darkness as the Corruption. We only need to make light more and more. Here… and… there…, now… and… always…, everywhere…every time…! So, we should only make light and we will see one day that the darkness is no more. This holy act of lighting DEEPAK will undoubtedly lead us to the success. We, therefore, should only concentrate on lighting DEEPAK as using the None-violence. And after we have lit the DEEPAK we should be aware of keeping it alight. We must see that the work is started, should go on without any break. If we can do only these two things we can see that DARKNESS will never enter to our area; whether it is a HEART, HOUSE or a COUNTRY, it will be enlightened. So, my dear COUNTRYMEN AND WOMEN, do not think more, just start lighting DEEPAK. Go ahead…!

Well, we need not to buy a DEEPAK from the market, because we all are gifted with a very beautiful DEEPAK, made of clay that is our BODY. So, we all are DEEPAK…LIT or UNLIT. And we shall care from now that all the DEEPAK are LIT one day and so the DARKNESS will DISAPEAR. So, my dear COUNTRYMEN AND WOMEN, on this auspicious occasion of DIWALI or DEEPAWALI, do not think more, just start lighting DEEPAK, and consequently remove the complete darkness from our HEART, HOUSE and the COUNTRY.

I wish you all a very HAPPY, SAFE and PROPEROUS DIWALI.

Your Brother Fellow,

Monday 30 May 2011

Friendship message...!!!

Mahfooz Alamji has contributed this matter, which I am publishing here with a little changes (editing) as to provide it to my readers. Thanks and regards...!!!

Two friends loved each other very much…
Unfortunately the one friend died.
the 2nd friend was upset so much & he couldn’t stop his tears.
He kept on crying day & night.
Many people gave sympathy but no argument could stop his tears.
One night he had a dream.
He saw his friend in heaven with so many boys and girls of his age.
He felt relaxed.
But he noticed that they were in fairy dress
And they had lightened candles in their hands.
But his friend had a candle which was not lightened.
He asked his friend ” Why your candle is not lightened?”
His friend said ” Whenever I enlighten my candle, your tears fall on it.
Please stop crying my friend.”

Sunday 22 May 2011

How many of us have studied the Bhagvad Gita...!!!

According to the sources, Mr. Rajiv Dixit has said some bad things about the ISKCON. I am sad to hear what Mr. Rajiv Dixit has said in public. Of course, he has rights to express his views in public as everyone has in Indian democracy, but then he also needs to prove it.

I have been to the ISKCON temple and the Govinda’s restaurant when I was in Sweden. And I can say that ISKCON people are working very good and very hard on human service and service to the God. They are always careful about the purity in the temple and also in their daily life. They are careful when they serve food to the people.

In 1998, I was busy in visiting schools and colleges and giving lectures about India. I was surprised when I was brought to a Govinda's restaurant by a Swedish friend because it was the first time when I got real, pure and perfectly cooked Indian food after a long time (almost one year).

There I met two girls who were serving the food. I must say that their parents were originally Christians, but they converted into the Lord Krishna's Bhakti by becoming the members of ISKCON. The one girl was German and one was from some other country, but of course not from India. The German girl had Swedish mother and a German father. The kids in our society gets identity from the father side, therefore she was German. I was impressed by the two of them. They were very nice personalities. There was also a sevak (servant) from Africa. He was originally a Muslim. He was black and very strong man. He used to keep washing the utensils in the restaurant.

I got connected with them and requested to tell me something about Shri Mad Bhagvad Gita and Lord Krishna. They just started and gave a very good 45 minutes lecture. They were only 20 and 22. They also sang Bhajans (sacred songs) for me, because I was from India, they thought I would like it. I want to ask, how many of us have studied the Bhagvad Gita in depth and have strong belief, as they were having in that early age.

Saturday 21 May 2011

A Historic Day for West Bengal

The sun was very hot outside but it was not bothering to the thousands of people. They were walking peacefully and happily with a lady who would be better called a magnetic lady. A lady with a heart of magnet. A lady who waited for several years to reach here.

I want to say that the 13th may have become a historic day for India, because two of the women politicians won the assembly elections. The one is Jayalalita who defeated the Chief Minister Karunanidhi and his partner in the state that is the Congress Party. Karunanidhi was ruling Tamilnadu for last many years. But in Tamilnadu it happens always that voters refuse to caste their votes for the corrupt leaders. So, this time they chose Miss Jayalalita instead of Mr. Karunanidhi because the mud-drops were seen easily on his coughs and collars. As similar last time Miss Jayalalita was dropped by the voters for the same cause.

But West Bengal is different. I must say that the political history of this state has been very different from the others. The Communist Party and its allies have been ruling here for last 34 years. And before that the Congress party (that time it was named Congress I) ruled this state. In both conditions, all the other parties were swept out in the elections. Thus, the political change in this state was not very difficult this time but almost impossible.

So, the another woman, Mamata Banarjee has established herself as an iconic lady. She defeated the Communist Party and its allies in West Bengal who were ruling the state for last 34 years. All were happy in West Bengal on that day. Even the Prisoners were shouting, laughing and celebrating at the occasion. So, the Red was melting out, whereas the Tri-colour started smiling once again.

Friday 22 April 2011

Let us think and act in a right way...! for a right reason...!! Be a right person...!!!

Dear friends, brothers and sisters,
For a long time, I have been thinking that how to manage with one’s egos, selfishness and emotions when you are in a public life. After a long time efforts, now I believe that a few months ago I learned how to deal with these liquid instruments of our character. So, now I am trying to practice them in a right way. Therefore, when I am writing this article, first of all, I must announce that I will keep my best egos under my feet, the best quality of selfishness onto my toes and the best emotions that I have in my heart, I will remain keeping wrapped on my knees, so that I can think free and fresh.

Well, I am also a big believer of democracy as many of you are, but this type of democracy that we have in our country is not of my choice where the biggest celebration of the biggest democracy is only to vote a person for ruling a nation like India, especially when the voters do know, what they are doing; but they do not care. I know that the democracy is better than any other type of ruling system. I want to say that I am not good in history but now I remember the great freedom fighter of the first Indian freedom struggle launched in 1857 Mr. Tatya Tope, who had established an army to fight against the British Empire. But the main charming thing of this historical story is that he had made democratic rules and regulations for his army and the system was transparent. The meetings of the army personals were held very often to discuss the policies in the leadership of Mr. Tatya Tope. In the history, he has been very famous for getting opinion and views of each and every person from his army, irrespective of their status. Perhaps this was the first time for an Army to fallow democratic rules and regulations. Anyway, Mr. Tatya Tppe was later caught and hanged till death by the English police in 1859.

Sometimes, I am very sad for the propagation of this view that the voters do not know what they are doing when they vote for a political leader, as an agenda by some media houses and some social activists in general. In fact, in this age of time when the world has become a global village, information easily reaches from the one corner to another through the newspapers, Radio, TV, Internet and other types of media; we can’t say that the voters do not know what they are doing. Actually, they know well what they are doing but they have been kept hand to mouth by the rulers in last 64 years of the independence of India. So, they have been always struggling for their primary needs. How can they think of their democratic rights if they are starving and struggling for the three time’s food and the clothing for their families? It is ridiculous that they spend the whole life for their primary needs but they never meet them to be satisfied. This task has been for a huge number of the citizen of India in which we can count the Lower Class and the Lower-middle Class while the Upper-middle Class and the Upper Class have no problem with the system because they know how to exploit the situations created for or provided to them and how to use the system for their own benefit. Here I want to say that I always classify people on the basis of their financial status, not on the basis of their caste or creed or anything else. When I talk about the rulers, I must make it also clear that the rulers are not only the group of ministers I believe, but the people who are involved in making and rendering the policies not only at the Government sectors but also at the private sectors. We must count the all segments of the society and the total infrastructure of a nation as a part of it. But it is sad that they are often engaged in finding rooms to mold and use rules and regulations for their own benefit. They are not resting after it, but also finding the way to make these rules and regulations their safeguards.

So, the first two Class-people are the people of daily wages. They earn and eat every day. Well, I use to say that they are illiterate, they are poor, they are needless and they are careless of their rights but not unaware of it. But of course, sometimes they can be literate and very capable persons in all respect. Anyway, they know and they understand what they are doing and what they should do when they vote for a political leader, but they are compelled to chose one out of many bad leaders because there is no option to refuse leaders if not liked. They can make mistakes sometimes but usually they do not have very many options to choose from. So, whatever they choose, they choose for their sudden benefit. Because they know that the benefit during the election they will get in any form, is certain, but after election is over and the leaders are sent to the Parliament House, they will get any benefit, is uncertain. So, they choose a certain thing. Perhaps they fallow the famous saying, ‘Something is better than nothing.’ And in this long term of voting process the common people are only the voters nothing else and are divided into many different groups. And the whole society looks like an open vegetable market of a village where the price and the choice differs from one to another person and where some are the sellers and some are the purchasers. Likewise, there are the two main groups during the election and many small groups based on caste, colour, creed, region, language and the other types. This game of greediness has brought our society down here in last 64 years.

Though, I would not say that the democratic tools have gone blunt, rather I would say that the people on the opposite side have become smarter than they were ever before. So, the tools are not very effective now. Actually, our society needs a total reshuffle. We must make some new rules and give rights directly to the common men. This is what, will make our country a better place to live in. And this is what Mr. Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev along with the millions of people are fighting for.

In a society like ours, people have no choice to choose from and not even a proper functioning and efficient place to register a complaint? In fact, we the people, have gone through the elections and also tried to get rid of the leaders by replacing them in every five-year term of celebration after independence but what happened? The truth is that the situations have gone worse every time.

When I am saying all these, it never ever means that I am hopeless. I am still hopeful and thinking every day for the best solution regarding this issue. I am thinking every day, how to make our society better to live in. Now certainly I believe that there must be some changes in the infrastructure and also in the laws. But the main thing is that who will get-up against the preventers of the present situations as there are a lot of risks in doing so. I think I am getting the way gradually from where I can see a small spark of hopes. I want you all the readers of this article to think on this issue. If you agree stand with me, if you don't give me the new ideas. Of course, it is a hard job when one is not only struggling to earn the daily expenses but also suffering from the system’s demerits. But again there is a hope that the supreme power and the nature shows the way and leads us always onto the right path. And it does not matter, who so ever is selected for this great job by the supreme power and the nature. It can be me or anyone else…!

Well, I have to go now, because I have not a computer at my residence. So, I keep my thoughts hand written when I write a long message like this and then I come to an Internet café to write them down on the web.

With love and regards to all the readers for giving time for a good cause. Keep reading, discussing and please correct me if I am wrong.

Today is Good Friday, let us think and act in a right way, for a right reason. Be a right person.
Thank you very much.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Because we are the part of a system that is gone worst...!

Dear friends,

This article was originally written on the 5th of April 2011. As I am new to the world of blogging, I do not know very many things about it. So it took much time to post here. I am sorry for being late. Happy reading...

Today is Sarhul. A festival of Adivasis. The Adivasis celebrates the meeting of the Sun and the Earth. The Adivasis of Jharkhand have all set to dip in the climactic celebration of Sarhul. But the Bhagwan (God) Birsa Munda also known as ‘Dharti Aabaa’, is still treated with indifference. Dogs take shelter at the place of cremation of Bhagwan Birsa Munda. Jharkhand came in existence as a separate state on the 15th of November 2000. From then many of the big Adivasi leaders have been the Chief Ministers of the state. In spite of this, neither the situations in the daily life of the descendants of martyrs of the Indian freedom struggle has been improved in the state, in which many Adivasi leaders are named proudly; nor the security and the honour of the Dharti Aabaa’s place of cremation have been maintained. Here the Governor lay the foundation stones of the various projects and afterward the beautiful and expensive pieces of granite stone is stolen from the foundation place. And why should not be done so, if the common people are wanting of some pieces of clothes to cover their necked body and a little food to fill their empty stomach; while on the other hand, the rulers, their commanders, followers and flatterers wear silky clothes and get very good food, this type of incidents should necessarily happen.

Well, everything goes together in our country. The ATM machine, which gives money to us, is also stolen here. The iron rods from the bridges that take us from one side to another, are an easy target for thieves. Even the fuel (the Diesel) from the transformers is taken out. Stealing hearts is also a common thing in our society. Though, they are having kids many people are busy practicing this today.

Our country is a place of diversity with strange situations. Here we see the Yoga guru Swami Ramdevji has already started shaking the rout of the Indian government for want of hard actions against the people involved in scandals while Mr. Annaa Hazare has refused to take Anna (food) for the same cause. Shree Baburaav Hazare alias Annaa Hazare, a famous social activist, born in 1938 was honored with the precious award ‘Padma Bhooshan’ by the Indian government in 1992.

The country is still languishing in the celebrations of victory of the ICC World Cup Cricket, while rejoice of the Sarhul festival is gone high. The enthusiasm and the excitement of the Ramnavami festival are still left to watch in coming days. But Goldan, a young boy of Islaam Nagar will not witness all these because he was made a target by the Ranchi Police when the street people and the police were clashing at the time of ‘Encroachment Removal Campaign’ laid by the city administration yesterday on the 5th April 2011. In fact, the street people who were encroaching on the Governments land were given support and countenance by some local political leaders, while on the other side, the Government was in pressure to fallow the order of the Jharkhand High Court as to remove the encroachment from all places in the city. The administration was doing its job and the people were doing their job.

Actually, this country has always gone this way. Everyone has different melody, tune, style and rhythm to fallow. The Governments make its own tune, officers sing in their own melody and the media keeps dancing and make people dancing in their own style, while the judiciary sways in its own rhythm. But the condition of the common people is different from all others in the society. In fact, there is no melody, tune, style and rhythm for them. It is that is why, they keep struggling for their Daal-Rotii, the food to fill their stomach. They keep entreating the Baboos and Haakims (the officers and their bosses). And be orderly to the Laat Saaheb (the ultimate boss). It is so, because we are the part of a democratic system which has gone worst. The system, which is established 'BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND TO THE PEOPLE...?'

Tuesday 5 April 2011

A small dark village in a huge celebrative night

At first, I must tell you all, who are visiting my blog that Bollywood, the film industry of India is the largest film making industry in the world. And Karan Johar son of a famous film producer of Bollywood late Yash Johar, learnt the all four Ws and an H of making film by watching, enjoying and working together with his great father. Karan also like his father has made many good films for Hindi movie viewers, out of which some are counted as super duper hit films in Bollywood.

There was news that Karan (40+) is now ready to wear Sehra (A turban which is worn at the time of marriage in India). Obviously, he is now so busy with his would be better-half Vandana Malwani that he did not even find time for his very famous TV program ‘Coffee with Karan’. The report says that he was expected to shoot the next episode of this TV program but he did not care. His friends, well wishers and the program viewers might not be happy of this news but the people of thousands of villages in India like a small dark village of the Ormanjhi block situated in Ranchi district of Jharkhand state, where the most citizens are Adivasi, are not shocked of the news. People of this village innocently smile when asked about this news. They did not know anything about this news. They were even unknown to the celebrations of the high-voltage India Vs Pakistan semi-final event of the cricket world cup on the 30th March 2011, when the two nations had an unannounced holiday. There were no rush on roads, no work was going on in the offices and the cinema halls were vacant. Almost all were sitting before the Idiot Box and every moment there were small celebrations on the both side. And when the team India confirmed the win over team Pakistan, there were a huge celebration in all the most cities. But the thousands of villages like this small dark village, witnessed no joy, no celebrations, while the two nations political heads, several Bollywood stars and other VVIPs were the part of this cricket world cup 2011 event, because they have no electricity. What can the general people say in this regard ...'Good luck for the Indian villages like this...!' Or what...?